The purpose of this article is to study the effect of the other mother tongue, the Kabyle, on the narrative text comprehension and especially on the coherent information representation which it vehicles. An experience has been done with three high school learners groups who have read a text by Guy de Maupassant called “Les deux amis”. During a first session, les learners read the French text then produce a first recall. During a second session, two (02) groups read again the same text within one of the two mother tongues, the kabyle and Arabic and the other group, considered as a witness group; read again the text in French. All the groups produce a second recall. The results show that the mother tongue has an effect not only on the number of recall prepositions but also on the coherent comprehensive construction of the studied text. The use of the kabyle in the rereading process helps the activation of the learners former knowledge, thus helping them in the narrative text comprehension.
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Posté Le : 09/10/2022
Posté par : einstein
Ecrit par : - Yefsah Chabha
Source : الخطاب Volume 11, Numéro 23, Pages 19-30 2016-09-01