The FL teaching / learning requires the exploration of new didactic tracks except those already in place. In our case, and in order to increase the possibilities of improving communication skills in French as a foreign language, it is a question of resorting to the television platform. Methodologically, and nothing but the level of the oral comprehension, for example, the authentic speeches in French are often characterized by such a complexity that even the linguistic competence, on its own, cannot account for all their significant scope. The communicational scope of certain cultural-heavy discourses, as the example we propose in this modest article, requires on the part of the teacher a new refocus on the encyclopedic competence, as a subsidiary form of cultural competence, but how decisive to decipher the messages which shape exolingual communication in French. To do this, the television tool embodied by the fiction-documentary proves to us to be very interesting, since, by its contribution in audiovisual information, it will facilitate access to some hidden forms (but which are both quite obvious and implicit for the native speaker) of the meaning inherent to any authentic production in contemporary French.
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Posté Le : 16/05/2023
Posté par : einstein
Ecrit par : - Belghitar Imene
Source : Traduction et Langues Volume 16, Numéro 2, Pages 6-16 2017-12-31