
L’abrogation (nâsihk Et Mansûhk) Dans Le Coran à La Lumière D’une Lecture Interculturelle Et Intertextuelle.

Koranic verses concerning the abrogation were not considered, during the centuries, in the same way by all the commentators. If the most common interpretation was that the Koran declares to overrule itself in precise cases, in particular, to cut legal questions, a certain number of authors gave completely different explanations. The last ones, among whom at least a muutazilite, Abû Muslim Muhammad b. Bahr al-Isfahânî al-Muutazilî, m. 322/934, were persuaded that the abrogation does not concern the Koranic text itself, but the revealed texts previous (Torah, Gospel) Having exposed the arguments, little known, of the commentators who adopted this thesis, we notice, thanks to an intercultural and intertextual reading of the concerned passages, that they seem to have had the understanding the closest to the real meaning of the Koranic text. We show, to finish, by means of the intercultural reading of the another verse (2, 256), considered as overruled by Abû-l-Hasan Alî b. Ahmad al-Wâhidî al-Nîsâbûrî, in his book Asbâb al-nuzûl wa-al-nâsikh wa-l-mansûkh, among others, that a just understanding of the Koranic notion of abrogation restores a more solid status in verses relative to the dialogue between the religions.

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