
Investigating Teachers’ Perceptions Of Web2.0technology Integration

The current study investigated teachers’ perceptions of integrating web 2.0 technologies in their EFL classrooms, and the factors hampering its implementation. To this end, the research used a quantitative approach to collect data through the questionnaire. The study sample comprised of 26 teachers at the English Language and Literature Department at Mohamed Lamine Debbaguine University, Setif 2. The results revealed that most teachers know about web 2.0 technologies and are aware of their effectiveness in promoting education. More importantly, their attitudes were highly positive. Notwithstanding, most of these teachers have not integrated any of the web 2.0 tools before due to certain factors. On top of these impediments is the lack of technical knowledge and professional development. Accordingly, teachers showed readiness to integrate web 2.0 in their classes after receiving training on how to successfully accomplish this. The outcomes of the study are estimated to help teachers to enhance the use of web 2.0 technologies in their teaching and learning practices.

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