Popular parade through Tlemcen streets :
Tlemcen - A popular parade was held on Friday evening, through the principal streets of the capital Zianides on the eve of the official launch of the international component of the event "Tlemcen, the Capital of Islamic culture". A large crowd gathered along the parade route to see the twenty-two floats representing various topics related to Islam and its contribution to development and the height of Muslim civilization and universal. In the official tribune, placed in the district of Imam (Mansourah locality), stood up Minister of Culture Khalida Toumi and delegations invited to the city Zianides, from several Arab and Muslim countries, who have followed interest in the procession of tanks, applauding the very good work of artists who have richly decorated vehicles and shows their talent to materialize themes.
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Posté Le : 13/09/2013
Posté par : tlemcen2011