In the name of God the Clement and The Compassionate; the famous Andalous-Tlemcenian scholar, Abou Mediène El-Ghouth, God blesses him, said:
I want to meet friends at every hour
Because their meeting is always beneficial
Ô pupil of my eyes, by God,
I am faithful to our oath and always so eager to be of yours
In my heart grew a friendship
As fingers in palms grow
I forbade my heart to love other than you
As God forbade to Moses to be nursed by other women
Your excellence,
Mr. President of the Republic, Abdelaziz Bouteflika,
Mr. President, Ahmed Ben Bella,
Your excellence, Dr. Abdelaziz Ben Othmane Altawajiri, General Manager of the Islamic Organisation for Education, Sciences and Culture,
Misters the Ministers,
Excellencies, Misters Ambassadors,
Misters leaders of delegations,
Mesdames, Misters guests of Algeria and Tlemcen, crown of Islamic culture,
Honourable assistants, guests of Algeria, who pleased us by their presence and answered our invitation, to share with us the joy of our celebration for the coronation of Tlemcen as capital of Islamic culture for 2011; I address all, my most sincere gratitude and my thankfulness, because your participation is a sign of consideration for the place of Algeria, as State and people, and for this nice historical city which splashes back by its cultural radiance on the region and the world. As was Algiers, when it was capital of Arab culture in 2007, spreading its light in the large areas of culture, before sheltering the IInd Pan African Cultural Festival in 2009, hence enriching cultural knowledge of Algeria with what was already accomplished and still comes true in Tlemcen as huge works, and what is built as cultural and civilization buildings, and the restorations which were finished on historical sites testifying the size of the Algerian past, present and future.
Indeed, figures show how the capital of Islamic culture took up the challenge and attained the achievement, Tlemcen was bedecked with a dozen new arts complexes, benefits from a program of restoration of 99 archaeological sites, will see the edition of 365 titles, 48 documentary films on Tlemcen, of 19 plays, more than twelve international symposiums, the organization of about 200 guided tours in the region of Tlemcen and all surrounding wilayas and many other achievements.
Indeed, all these projects and historical achievements would not have existed without the sagacity and acuteness of the founder of modern Algeria, His Excellence, mister Abdelaziz Bouteflika, the president of the Republic, who sacrificed himself for constructing an authentic Algeria, tied to its roots and opened to the world; Algeria of Amazighe origins, Arab language and Muslim faith; modern Algeria, conciliated with itself and with others, proud of its rich cultural diversity; Algeria whose sky is opened on the freedom of expression and creation; Algeria guaranteeing security, calmness, progress and development to its people and contributing to the institution of peace and stability around it.
The real and particular interest which Your Excellency gives to the sector of culture, by granting him important material and human conditions, and especially by instituting a favourable political atmosphere which guarantees the freedom of creation and expression, considered to be the support of the creators, denotes a wise man’s vision, acuteness of policy and the genius of the intellectual who looks forward and announces to his people a better future.
In the name of culture which bloomed and lived its best moments of greatness and instants of glory under your reign, and in the name of its men and women for whom you returned dignity and consideration and helped to find the mind of creation and to relive this quest. It’s an honour to transmit you, Mr. President, the expression of our thankfulness and our the most sincere gratitude.
Mr. President
Tlemcen, capital of Islamic culture, is delighted to welcome you, as guide and symbol having knew how to give knowledge, culture and its people the place they deserve, as it had welcomed, before you, another symbolic guide, the king Yaghmoracen, who gave in knowledge, to scholars and men of letters and men of mind the place that allowed them to raise the rank of their State to cross horizons and to achieve glory.
History’s repeating, to re-draw us greatness and to confirm that the nations which reach power and stability put knowledge and culture as foundations and pillars for their perpetual development. We thank you, once again, Your Excellency,
Mr. President, we promise you to go forward, to follow your steps and ask God the almighty to keep you for your country, your people and for the entire Islamic nation, as an emblematic guide, enlightener and benefactor.
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Posté Le : 13/09/2013
Posté par : tlemcen2011