
Insecticidal Effect Of Plants Melia Azedarach L. And Peganum Harmala L. On Tribolium Castaneum Herbst (coleoptera: Tenebrionidae)

The main of this work is to evaluate in laboratory conditions, the insecticidal effect of two medicinal plants Melia azedarach and Peganum harmala on stored grain pest Tribolium castaneum. Three doses of the powder fruits of these plants were tested 10, 15, and 30%. The results show that the LT50 of larvae and adults varied between 3.9 days and 5.5 days, with the powder of M. azedarach, 6.8 days and 12.6 days with the powder of P. harmala respectively. The response of larvae is better than adults, whatever the plant and the dose used. The fruits of M. Azedarach were more toxic than those of P. harmala

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