
Influence Of Sintering Temperature On The Structure, Morphology And Bioactivity Of Bioactive Glass Powders

In this work, a ternary bioactive glass powders (SiO2-CaO-P2O5) were prepared via sol-gel method. Initially, the bioactive glass (BG) powder was synthesized by heating the solution of precursors in ethanol at 60oC and dried at 130oC. In the other hand, the influence of the sintering temperature of the final products on the structure, morphology and bioactivity of bioactive glass powders were also investigated. After the synthesis of bioactive glass powders, the bioactivity test was confirmed and their structure and morphology were distinguished by different analyses methods. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) and SEM-EDS analysis showed the amorphous structure at low sintering temperature and a crystalline structure by increasing the sintering temperature. The bioactive glass powders obtained were bioactive and the formation of an apatite layer on their surface after immersion in SBF solution for 1, 3 and 7 days was improved by X-ray diffraction and SEM – EDS analysis.

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