
Influence Du Mode D’éclairement-alimentation Sur Les Performances Zootechniques Du Poulet De Chair Hubbard-isa 15 élevé En Algérie

The trial evaluated the growth and the consumption index of broilers resulted in two different planes of lighting-feeding. It took place during 56 days between February and April, on a total of 36540 subjects Hubbard-ISA 15, divided into two groups, 17830 subjects for control and 1870 for experimental. Body weights of animals to the implementation was identical (44 ± 0.08 and 43 ± 0.13 g) (P> 0.05) were raised in two buildings of the same type. A non-restrictive plan lighting- feeding, open access to the feeder was applied to the control, while that of the experiment was restricted type with dietary restriction caused by a reduction of the illumination time (1165 vs. 1045 hours). The rest of the breeding condition is identical. Food distributed as refusals are quantified and animal performances are evaluated. The light-diet plan tested had an effect on the time spent at the feeder and a gain in the illumination time -106 hours. This has resulted in a reduction in the consumption of -850 g / subject, and indices of low consumption in the experimental (P

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