A new global landscape is emerging as our world now
witnesses a period which may be called “a digital age” where
countries are trying to catch and utilize amazing technological
developments into every area of their technical and social life. it is
often assumed that one of the main challenges of current pedagogy
seems to be the incursion of technology into classroom tasks.
language researchers strongly argue that it appears to be inevitable
that, the more a teacher makes use of instructional technology in the
classroom, the less teacher-centered and the more student-centered a
classroom will become. on the basics of such an assumption, the
present paper demonstrates the ways in which technology-enhanced
classrooms may promote discovery learning, learner autonomy, and
learner-centeredness and to consider the manner in which the
inherent characteristics of a particular technology manage the
learner’s attention and create motivation in the classroom.
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Posté Le : 07/09/2022
Posté par : einstein
Ecrit par : - Djebbary Zakia
Source : Didactiques Volume 1, Numéro 1, Pages 115-121 2012-06-30