The wireless sensor networksare of considerable interestand a new stagein the evolution ofinformation technology and communication. This new technologyis a growing interest given the diversityof these applications: health, environment,industry and evenin sports. Unlike traditional networks, which are concerned to ensure good quality of service,wireless sensor networks must, in addition, take into account the conservation of energy.They must incorporate mechanisms that allow usersto extend the life of the entire network, since each node is powered by a limited energy source and usually irreplaceable. In a sensor node, energy is consumed by providing the following functions:capture, calculation(treatment) and communication. The latter represents a large portion of the total energy consumed. Therefore,the research community is being developed and refined several techniques for energy conservation. Inthispaper, we present a state of the art for improvement the lifetime of wireless sensor networks
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Posté Le : 29/05/2021
Posté par : einstein
Ecrit par : - Bengheni Abdelmalek - Didi Fedoua
Source : Models & Optimisation and Mathematical Analysis Journal Volume 3, Numéro 1, Pages 49-55