
I T Learning Evaluation: Realities And Perspectives

Though evaluation is acknowledged universally to be an ongoing process used to grade and improve learning and teaching (Agrawal, 2004), ENS inquires student-teachers only twice a year to control their learning achievement and grade them to pass to higher levels. The issue, I will deal with, is that, at the ENS of Bouzarea in general and in the English Department especially, in addition to the reduced number of testing known as “examinations” , the evaluation is mainly summative. Thus, the object of my paper is to attempt to suggest: 1. a systematic process of inquiry made up of a series of techniques to be used along the continuum of students’ learning to determine what, how, how well they learn over time to capture their progress, (PL, Maki, 2004) and why to provide appropriate adjustments; 2. A process made up of a variety of sources to make students’ grades more accurately represent their ability using efficient tools to help educators be more objective. In other words, with the suggestions of the variety of sources, on one hand, to guarantee objectivity in making student-teachers grades more representative of their actual ability, and the implementation of ongoing learning evaluation on the other hand, to guarantee improvements in learners’ outcome and teaching practices, we wish educators of the ENS, Bouzarea and particularly of English department could stop blaming learners for their poor levels and prepare them to be highly qualified middle and secondary school teachers who in turn provide better Algerian education.

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