
Hydrodynamic Study Of A Stirred Tank By A Chamfered Blade Agitator

The different steps encountered in the production lines of various industrial processes like food, cosmetic, pharmaceutical, chemical, biochemical, petrochemical, paint, cleaning products, water treatment, textile, etc., appeal to the precepts of agitation, the basics of the rheology of mixed fluids, and are conducted in stirred tanks. Mechanical stirring of the fluid media is designed to promote mixing of these environments in order to obtain a degree of homogeneity of the final product and / or intensify the mass transfer phenomena. A hydrodynamics and mass study is needed to optimize the design of the tanks and the mobile of agitation. Initially, a local and global study namely the velocity and number of power on a typical agitation system agitated by a mobile-type two-blade straight (d / D = 0.5) allowed us to test the reliability of the CFD Fluent , the results were compared with those of experimental literature, a very good concordance was observed. This validation will then perform simulations on a configuration such an agitation system in two-dimensional geometry agitated by a two-blade chamfered case of a Newtonian fluid. The velocity profile, the velocity fields and the number of powers are analyzed. It was shown that the hydrodynamics is modified by the effect of the muzzle of the mobile which plays a key role. When interpreting the results a comparative analysis between the mobile and chamfered right is adopted. A comparative qualitative study of a mixture of two miscible fluids Newtonian mass transfer analysis was undertaken to test the performance of our proposed mobile.

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