This article deals with hunting sport in the era of the sultans of the Mongols, who have military training is usually conducted in areas where animals abound, they take nature of war has strict rules and regulations, carried out by members of the Mongols in those areas as the soldier performs his duties during the course of fighting the war. And fishing in the truth is their sport, dear to them, but they take, and the way to prepare themselves for war if necessary to take up arms and fight in battles, they are in the fishing areas are training themselves on what they will do in time of war, and standing rows organization as they stand on the battlefield completely. And take with them the necessary machinery and weapons training in their use and they are charged in addition to the news Ptsagt enemies and spy on them. The article also made the benefits of the sport for them and their habits and where the most important Mongol tribes that practiced sport fishing.
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Posté Le : 07/09/2022
Posté par : einstein
Ecrit par : - Hamza Hadji
Source : مجلة الخبير Volume 2, Numéro 3, Pages 7-14 2014-09-01