
Global Climate Change And Climatic Identity Changement Climatique Et Identite Climatique

ABSTRACT: The global climate change has become one of the most interesting issues in the literature related to atmospheric, research, meteorology, environment, hydrology, agriculture, and water resources management in general. In the last few decades, due to the potentially serious impacts upon the atmosphere, earth and ocean the climate change issue become internationally disputable subject among many scientists including various specialists such as climatologists, atmospheric researchers, oceanographers, hydro-meteorologists, agriculturalists, etc in particular and local administrators in addition to politicians, as well as the people at different aspects of the life. In order to determine and follow the existence and the local impacts of global climate changes for any country or region, reliable data in a comparative, illustrative, and visual format are needed essentially. In order to provide an effective basis, it is very appropriate to use internationally recognized scenarios in addition to national linguistic as well as numerical data and a common format for the meteorological observations and measurements. It is among the main aims of this paper to provide an extensive but crisp review about the climate change by considering “Climatic Identity”, definition concerning which information should be reported in the commonly formatted records. The climate change implies changes in the climatic parameters such as temperature, wind speed, rainfall, humidity, evaporation, snow and snow melt. The climate change process varies temporally and spatially. However, in practical applications, local features are necessary by considering such variations for local implementations in adaptation and mitigation against the climate change impacts. RESUME: Le changement climatique est un sujet très discuté dans la littérature. Comme ce changement exerce d’importantes influences sur le Monde, il est discuté par les scientistes, les politiciens et le peuple au niveau national et international. Les renseignements comparés et visuels sont assez importants pour prendre des renseignements sur la présence du changement climatique dans une région ou dans un pays ou encore dans le monde entier. C’est pourquoi on doit avoir uner forme commune pour les observations météorologiques nationales ou internationales. Delà, on a, dans ce travail, discuté sur le changement climatique, puis la notion d’identité saisonnière a été abordée et enfin on a conseillé quels renseignements doivent se trouver dans cette identité. Les changements saisonniers impliquent la chaleur, le vent, la pluie, l’humidité, l’évaporation, la neige et la fonte des neiges. Les changements saisonniers climatiques sont à la fois spatiaux et temporels. C’est pourquoi, il est utile d’avoir des identités climatiques locales.

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