
GDD India 2017 Extended Constantine

GDD India 2017 Extended Constantine
Google Developer Days India 2017 1-2 December 2017 Bengaluru International Exhibition Centre, Bengaluru, India Google Developer Days (GDD) are global events showcasing the latest developer products and platforms from Google to help you quickly develop high quality apps, grow & retain an active user base, and tap into tools to earn more. #GDDIndia Content Learn about our latest updates to Android, the Mobile Web, Firebase, Machine Learning, Cloud, IoT, and Design. Formats Enjoy technical talks, hands-on learning via Training, Codelabs and Demos, and 1:1 interactions with Google engineers. Day 1 will end on a high tone with an After Party. Livestream All technical talks will be livestreamed here on the website and on the Google Developers YouTube channel, so you can follow along in real-time. You can also watch the session recordings after the event. Extended Events GDD Extended events are organized by local developer communities around the world and include a variety of options for attendees—from livestreaming sessions to local demos, hackathons, codelabs, and more.
Département D'informatique - Université Constantine 2, Département D'informatique - Université Constantine 2, 25000, Constantine
2018-02-07 - 09:00:00+0100
2018-02-07 - 15:00:00+0100

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