
Foreign Language Learning, Classroom Interaction And Lack Of Motivation: The Case Of First Year Students Of English At The University Of Bejaia; Lmd System Group

This study treated the relationship Foreign Language Learning (FLL) has with both class interaction and lack of motivation in a university education course where English is taught as a foreign language. The setting was the University of Abderrahmane Mira, Béjaia taking the case of first year LMD (Licence, Master, Doctorat) students during the second semester’s examinations (i.e. the end of the academic year 2005). Four objectives we aimed to reach for which we established two hypotheses. We used the questionnaire as an instrument for data collection with statistically-based software (SPSS) and a quantitative method. Results showed that our hypotheses were verified to some extent although most students did not reveal negative attitudes to the teachers’ personality. There was a noticeable criticism to the teaching methods and the curriculum. Some of the participants criticised the group they belong to and others the teachers but their rate was low compared to the curriculum. As a result, teaching methods, course content, the teacher’s personality and attitudes, and interaction among the students (i.e. to the group dynamics) showed to be the main factors which could either enhance or impede the students’ motivation.

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