
Femmes Salariées Cadres, Entre Les Ambitions à La Réussite Professionnelle Et Les Contraintes D’ordre Socioculturel

Any study on women employee’s responsible presents a great interest in sociological research. The fact is that these officials are the focus of change in society: they represents as emblems embodying the best of social and professional ambitions of female junta in Algeria. Increasingly, women hold university-level positions in various professional organizations. However, analysis of their experience tells us that professional women face in their professional lives of many constraints, preventing them to achieve their ambitions. In this article we proposed to consider only the constraints sociocultural, that is to say, those related to the standards and values of the family and social status of women, so unprofessional to speak of, and which hinder women executives out successful careers, to perform comfortably their tasks, to recognize their skills and even their existence. And all that in comparison to their male colleagues.

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