
Factors Affecting Transport Mode Choices For Daily Travel Study Madein The City Of Batna (algeria) العوامل المؤثرة على الاختيار النمطي في النقل-دراسة في مدينة باتنة (الجزائر)-

The paper presents the results of a study aimed to find out the reasons that affect Batna individuals’ mode choice. The research was based on an administrated questionnaire. We administrated 200 questionnaires (self-administrated survey) to the residents of Banta city, the key findings from this study demonstrated that the factors that affect mostly our commuter’s transport mode choice are : timing and security. The study also showed that car users care more about avoiding congestion while bus users worry more about the price they spend during their commuting. Finally, it was concluded that there are not specific factors that affect daily mode choice; the travel behavior is a very complex process, and a mix of factors affects it.

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