This study aimed at exploring the EFL university students’ attitudes towards learning English. To achieve the aim of the study, the researchers used a qualitative research based on a semi-structured interview questions. The sample used in the semi-structured interviews consisted of six male and female EFL students. The results of the questions in the semi-structured interview revealed that the interviewees believe on the following major attitudes as the most important concept in shaping the rate of language learning: 1They believe on the integrative and instrumental orientations as the most influential reasons for which they learn English.2 Educational factors (teachers/lessons/curriculum) influence the students’ attitudes to learn English in Saida university either negatively or positively.
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Posté Le : 20/01/2024
Posté par : einstein
Ecrit par : - Makhlouf Abdelkader - Driss Mohamed Amine
Source : Annales de l’université d’Alger Volume 31, Numéro 4, Pages 437-453 2017-12-31