
Evaluation Of Frasnian Shale Reservoir, Case Study Well Dak-1, Ahnet Basin, Southern Algeria

The evaluation of unconventional reservoir in term of future exploration plan where the geochemical data are not unavailable making us different results from logging and Gas Data However this paper aim to define Potential zone throught the estimation of total organic carbon(TOC) using ∆ log R Method and thermal maturity by mean of gas ration technique combined with gamma-ray data of Frasnian shale formation encountered in DAK-1 well drilled in Ahnet Basin from 1552m to 1728m. The results suggest that the frasnian shale have fair to good potential genration with TOC ranging from 2% to 4%, with mature organic matter who producing wet gas,The potential zone positioned in the lower frasnian over a thikness of 10m.

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