
Etude Floristique Et écologique Des Mauvaises Herbes Des Cultures De La Région De Batna (algérie).

The study of crop weeds in the Batna region during the crop year 2008/2009 covered 114 phytoecological performed on different crops. They were distributed throughout the study area in order to take into account the variability of ecological and agronomic factors. The weed flora has 120 weeds species. Broadleaf weeds are dominant with 98 species (81.66%), monocots include 22 species (18.33%). Species identified are divided into 95 genera and 30 botanical families. The biological type shows that annual dominate and form 69.16% (83 species), perennial 19.16% (23 species) and biennials 11.66% (14 species). A case (01) whose frequency is between 60% and 80%, while ten species (10) between 20 and 40%. Frequency (- 20%) contained in most of the species (109 species). The analysis of the relationship between the relative frequency of species and their abundance-dominance shows average 05 types of species. The results obtained by the AFC show two groups of statements, two species groups and two groups of environmental factors, these results explain the distribution of weeds in crops of Batna region according to climate, crop type and soil conditions.

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