
Etude Du Seuil Anaérobie Et De La Vitesse Maximale Aérobie Des Athlètes De Demi -fond Et Fond Algériens

Despite some titles and records made during the years 1990/2000 by Mrs., Benida Merah, Miss H. Bulmarka, MM. N. Morceli and Said Guerni, we must recognize that the Algerians long distance and middle distance remain below the mondial level. Indeed, the progress of a nation is evidence of continued success, unfortunately, this is not the case, the Olympic games of Athens 2004, Beijing 2008 and world championships in Berlin in 2009 are evidence, Algeria has won no medals, even worse, there was no finalist. This observation leads us to study the phenomenon to explain the reasons for the stagnation of the discipline suppliers of medals. The variables used are the anaerobic threshold, maximal aerobic velocity, heart rate and blood lactate concentration recorded during a test performed on the classical field (athletics track).

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