
étude De La Contamination Superficielle Des Carcasses Ovines à L’aide D’examens Bactériologiques Au Niveau De L’abattoir De Bordj Bou Arréridj

This work concerns the evaluation of the bacteriological quality surface of the ovine carcasses (N=6) cut down in the slaughterhouse of Bordj Bou-Arréridj. The samples were taken at the end of the chain of slaughtering, by the method of cleaning, on a surface of 100cm2. Three sites were tested: shoulder, flank and thigh. The total mesophile aerobic flora, total coliforms and Staphylcocci were determined. The study showed that the shoulder was the more contaminated area: total mésophile aerobic flora (3,58 log10 ufc/cm2), Staphylcocci (3,44 log10 ufc/cm2), total coliforms (1,33 log10 ufc/cm2). Bacterial average of the groups analyzed is nearly acceptable with those observed in similar studies carried out in Algeria, or abroad.

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