
Etude Comparative De L’effet Des Systemes De Travail Du Sol Et Des Precedents Culturaux Sur Le Sol Et Le Comportement Du Ble Tendre (triticum Aestivum L.) En Conditions Semi-arides

An experiment was conducted at the experimental site of the station ITGC Setif during the crop year 2009/10, with the objective of studying the effect of different cropping systems (TC, TCS, SD) on the soil and durum wheat crop. The performance of the three systems studied were evaluated under different conditions of previous crops: wheat, lentils, oats, with three replicates for each treatment. The results are in favor of SD, to reduce losses to the lifting. This supremacy of the economic systems of tillage (CT and SD) is present on the grain yield and its components. The results reveal that the previous crop lens has a positive effect on both variables of culture and soil physical properties.

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