
Enhancement Of Characteristics Of A Functionalized Oligophenylene By Acid Hydrolysis Modification

New modified oligophenylene was prepared by acid hydrolysis of a functionalized oligophenylene (OMPA).The latter was obtained by (4-methoxy phenyl) acetonitrile electrochemical oxidation. The resulting modified oligomer (OAC) was characterized by various spectroscopic techniques: NMR, FTIR and UV. The thermal study showed that the modified material exhibited a higher thermal stability compared with OMPA. Further, the optical study revealed that in solution, the emission was blue-shifted when compared with the non-modified oligomer emission and that the optical gap changed from 3.1 eV to 2.75eV. In chloroform solution, photoluminescence was again blue-shifted by 90 nm, which is probably due to an interaction between the oligomer chains.

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