
Effets De La Crise économique Mondiale Sur L’activité Sidérurgique D’arcelor Mittal : Stratégie Adoptée Et Résultats Obtenus, Quelques Aspects Sur L’usine D’annaba

The 2009 crisis, which has taken root primarily in the non-real sphere of the economy, has resulted in an unparalleled monetary and financial disorder whose effects on the real economy have been extremely sharp. The transformation of this crisis into a major one is through the amplification of deindustrialization, delocalization and deregulation that are always occurring under the effect of an exclusively financial system. In this context, the multinational steel ArcelorMittal, although an international actor of some influence, has not so far escaped the sharp effects of this very crisis. It is within this very context that this contribution seeks to list the negative effects of the crisis on the economic activity of the company and its consequent reactive strategy. More specifically, this article tries also to assess the impact that this crisis is having on the local steel plant of Annaba which is also an integral part of ArcelorMittal, and the consequent strategy that the latter is adopting.

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