The objective of our study is to compare the laying performance and the quality of the egg of two batches of laying hens receiving two industrial feeds, one without enzymes and the other adjuvanted with "phytase" enzymes. To evaluate the beneficial effects of phytase, a study was carried out on laying hens of ISA Brown strain during the laying period at 26 weeks of age. Several 18000 laying hens are installed in batteries. Experiment 1 had 9000 hens receiving an enzyme-free feed formula and experimental 2 had 9000 hens which received an enzyme-adjuvanted food, the phytase at a dose of 1 kg / 1000 kg of feed. Phytase showed positive effects on the higher spawning rate for Experimental 2 (91%) compared to Experimental 1 (80%) and on the egg mass produced in Experimental 2 (45.19g ) Is greater than that of experimental 1 (39.11 g). However, the phytase had no effect on the physico-chemical quality of the egg.
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Posté Le : 11/09/2021
Posté par : einstein
Ecrit par : - Larabi L. - Mefti Korteby H. - Saadi M.a.
Source : Agriculture Volume 7, Numéro 2, Pages 34-39