
Effectiveness Of Ensb English Language Initial Teacher Education Curriculum

ABSTRACT The aim of the study is to evaluate ENSB EFL curriculum intended for student-teacher education to define its strengths and weaknesses and seek whether it is still effective. When we compared ENSB curriculum to Ducharme’s teacher education model (1993), it proves to partly conform to it since it is made up of the main components: academic courses, theoretical courses and practicum, but when we compared it to Richards’ language curriculum model, it is reduced to a schedule: a syllabus, or a list of subjects to be taught with the time devoted to each one. As far as effectiveness of ENSB curriculum is concerned, its evaluation reveals that the highest score (11.80/20) registered by PEM student-teachers at the end of their studies cannot be considered as successful as the expected standard of achievement criterion (at least12/20). Consequently, because of these results and others you will discover during the intervention, ENSB curriculum does not seem to be effective in EFL teacher’s preparation.

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