
Effective Process Optimization Of Indigo Rope Dyeing: A Case Study

Despite of limited availability and high cost of utilities, Pakistan is now declared as the second largest denim exporter country. With the advent of denim garment, it has been crucially important to face the upcoming challenges of the process optimization, cost effectiveness and utilities consumption from pre-treatment of raw yarn to quality finished denim. The focus of this study was to understand industrial scale optimization of sodium dithionite and water consumption for indigo rope dyeing process. Consumption of sodium dithionite was reduced from 16.99 gm/meter to 10.62 gm/meter from the month of July-15 till Feburaray-16 which resulted in steady utilization of indigo. Reduced utilization of chemicals decreased water requirement for post washing dyed yarn. These factors lead to comparatively cleaner, cost effective indigo dyed yarn production with required shade consistency.

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