
Effect Of Vegetation Cover On Thermal And Visual Comfort Of Pedestrians In Urban Spaces In Hot And Dry Climate

The effect of climate on the use of outdoor spaces in urban environments is particularly important for activities that occur in these areas. The consideration of the thermal and visual outdoor conditions in cities is increasingly important for the well-being of man and the use of public spaces. Vegetation zones play a significant role in the city through their visual appeal and their regulation of microclimates. Considering the microclimatic modification produced by vegetation, the objective of this research is to compare the performance of areas shaded by five different types of tree coverage, including an open area without vegetation, located in a hot and dry climate. The methodology is based on a combination of in situ measurements and thermal and visual comfort surveys. Measurements of air temperature, air humidity, wind speed, solar global radiation, luminance and the sky view factor combined with comfort surveys were performed during summer in five different areas of a square in the city center of Constantine in Algeria (a hot and dry climate). The results indicate that the percentage of tree coverage of a space is a highly important metric to assess outdoor comfort in a hot dry climate and that it influences mainly the use of outdoor recreational areas. Dense vegetation cover optimises the microclimatic environment for pedestrians' thermal and visual comfort in urban spaces, under these climatic conditions

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