
Effect Of Supplementary Cementitious Materials On The Air Permeability Of Concrete

In order to support the use of cement combination concrete in construction, this paper investigated the resistance of Portland cement and some binary and ternary cement concretes containing fly ash, silica fume and metakaolin to air permeability at equal water/cement ratios and strengths. At equal water/cement ratios, while fly ash binary cement concretes have higher coefficients of air permeability than Portland cement concrete due to delayed pozzolanic reactivity, silica fume and metakaolin binary cement concretes have comparable coefficients with Portland cement concrete due to their higher fineness, improved particle packing and higher pozzolanic reactivity. Consequently, the ternary cement concretes have coefficients comparable with that of Portland cement concrete. At equal strengths, while silica fume and metakaolin binary cement concretes have higher coefficients than Portland cement concrete, fly ash binary cement concretes have lower coefficients which reduced with increasing content of fly ash. Consequently, all the ternary cement concretes have lower coefficients which reduced with increasing total replacement level due to the beneficial effect of fly ash. Hence, high volume fly ash would be required to increase the resistance of concrete to air permeability at equal strength.

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