The properties of GEMPEHD as an absorber material in a prototype of solar still have been investigated in a temperature range from 300 K to 400 K. Results showed a dependency between temperature and its properties. The enegy absorbed by the GEMPEHD increases its temperature, the power received by the air and the air temperature. Overall losses increase with the difference of the temperature between the GEMPEHD and windows. This increases the efficiency of the solar still and minimizes the entropy of the system. The study of thermal aging is dedicated to the interpretation of various analyses the GEMPEHD before and after its use in the solar still. The thermal aging GEMPEHD in the air is a physical loss and chemical consumption immediately followed by a brutal oxidation of the polymer. The losses would be governed primarily by the chemical consumption of antioxidants
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Posté Le : 13/06/2021
Posté par : einstein
Ecrit par : - Baba Ahmed N. - Benmoussat A. - Aliane K.
Source : Revue des Sciences Fondamentales Appliquées Volume 8, Numéro 3, Pages 712-730