
Ecological Status Of Water Ecosystem Where Live Common Trout In The Central Middle Morocco: Sidi Rachid River.

The study aims to determine the ecological status of aquatic ecosystems or living brown trout (Salmo trutta macrostigma Dumeril, 1858)) endemic of Morocco, following the partnership that links the National Center of Hydrobiology and fish (CNHP) and the Faculty of Science, University Ibn Tofail kenitra to Morocco . Monitoring indicators of water quality on salmon life during the study period (May 2007 and April 2008) shows that the level of dissolved oxygen, temperature, potential Hydrogen and nitrites show the waters of the Oued sidi Rashid are of good quality and are used to classify waters of the river waters among the first class, these features ensure a balanced development and evolution of the population of brown trout. Low concentrations of orthophosphate indicate a lack of source of organic pollution and other sources as a source of phosphate fertilizer. The contents of the elements of total hardness carbonate re flect the geological nature of the area.

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