
Du Texte Aux Données Analysables Lwali N Udrar Comme Corpus

Agzul Deg tezrawt-agi, nra ad d-nesken amek i yelha uḍris n Lwali n udrar d aɣbalu i uslaḍ ama di teskla ama di tesnilest. Neṭṭef ungal-agi d ammud, deg-s ad d-nekkes iferdisen, ama n umawal, ama d tefyar, ama d tikkisin, ad tent-id-nsewjed i usezrew. Abstract Starting from the text as it is edited, as a novel, we wish in this paper to take the text of Lwali n udrar as a linguistic and literary material to transform it into lexical, sentences and sequential data that can be analyzed in literature and in linguistics.

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