There are numerous projects dealing with disaster management and emergency response that use wireless sensor networks technologies. Indeed, WSNs offer a good alternative compared to traditional ad hoc networks. Air pollution monitoring, forest fire detection, landslide detection, natural
disaster prevention, industrial sense and control applications,
dangerous gas leakage, water level monitoring, vibration
detection to prevent an earthquake, radiation monitoring are
examples of the WSN applications related to disaster
management. This paper presents an overview of the recent
projects using WSN to collect data in disaster areas.
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Posté Le : 14/10/2022
Posté par : einstein
Ecrit par : - Benkhelifa Imane - Nouali-taboudjemat Nadia - Moussaoui Samira
Source : Revue de l'Information Scientifique et Technique Volume 23, Numéro 1, Pages 22-27 2016-07-01