The present work is an attempt to examine a number of different approaches to teaching civilisation and more in particular the teaching of the historical aspects of the different civilisations mainly the British and American ones taught to our university students. It also stresses on what to teach exactly in order to facilitate the learning process or the acquisition of the various historical information. Teachers, indeed, have to emphasize not only on how to teach the historical events but on what to teach or what their students really need to learn in order to make their teaching meaningful. For instance, history textbooks, core concepts, questions, maps... etc should be the focal point of our teaching in order to enhance learning.
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Posté Le : 29/12/2023
Posté par : einstein
Ecrit par : - Nadia Louahala
Source : مجلة الآداب واللغات Volume 15, Numéro 1, Pages 189-198 2017-02-04