Investigations and research have shown
that in very recent years, there has been a
growing interest in the application of
testing procedures that are totally different
from traditional forms of assessment.
More authentic forms of measurement
have become increasingly popular in the
foreign language classes. These forms of
assessment are more student centred in
that, in addition to being an assessment
tool, they provide the students with a tool
to be more involved in their process of
learning, and give them a better sense of
control of their own achievement. This
paper, we will show how (self-assessment) can allow time for the student
to further develop as an effective learner,
over time, gaining proficiency in the range
of learning skills most appropriate to his /
her own context. It is true that many
students may not at first feel comfortable
with self-evaluation, thinking that it is the
job of the teacher to evaluate. However, it
is our strong belief that students cannot
grow as active learners if they are not able
to assess their own abilities and progress
and set a path for future learning. Students
need to be taught the strategy of self-assessment explicitly and to be supported
in their use of the strategy. The greatest
value of self- assessment is that, in
building it, students become active
participants in the learning process and its
assessment. We also believe that
promoting this new vision to assessment
will hopefully engender a dynamic
pedagogy where the students are actors of
their training and the educational team is a
support, a guide and adviser which
accompany them all along their academic
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Posté Le : 30/01/2022
Posté par : einstein
Ecrit par : - Derradji Salah
Source : FORUM DE L' ENSEIGNANT منتدى الأستاذ Volume 7, Numéro 1, Pages 63-70