Algérie - Pharmaceutiques

Dermastir Eye Contour Gel

Dermastir Eye Contour Gel

35 ml airless jar




Dermastir Eye contour gel is the solution to mask your age. Look at someones eyes contour to have a good idea of the age of the person. Taking care of your eye contour daily in a correct manner makes a big difference to your look. Dermastir Eye contour gel complimented by the Dermastir eye contour patches and cucumber ampoules is a perfect solution. Dermastir Eye contour gel produced by Alta Care Laboratoires minimizes fine lines and regenerates eye and lip contour. It creates a barrier from the environment and repairs the damages caused by external effects. Furthermore it de-puffs the under-eye area, brightens dark circles and revitalizes the skin. Dermastir Eye contour works because the ingredients remain active till the day when they are applied since the eye contour gel is presented in an airless jar.


Gently pat around the entire eye area, blending inward form the out corner. Use daily under make-up or alone. This non-greasy gel goes on clear so it can be worn all day and all night.



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