To ensure its success, an advertisement must be in harmony with social values. Its discourse fits into society without the risk of rejection or indifference. It must also stir up cravings by marrying the desires of individuals. It must, therefore, be consistent with the socio-cultural environment, which determines the consumer's expectations by providing a self-image to which he can relate
Thus, encoding and decoding of an advertising discourse challenge, in addition to linguistic competence, the communicative and language competence. It is in this cultural knowledge that we may encounter difficulties of interpretation and understanding. This can lead in time to a difference between the interpretation that the person provides and the anticipated or desired by the speaker.
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Posté Le : 04/08/2021
Posté par : einstein
Ecrit par : - Maiche Hazar
Source : في الترجمة Volume 2, Numéro 1, Pages 115-125