Following the Second World War, one begins to wonder more
and more about the reports of the technical and social. Scholars such
as E. Mayo A. Maslowou, F. Hertzberg becoming known as they are
concerned since the twenties informal and psychological dimensions
of human behavior in organizations. However, this notion goes
relatively unnoticed until the beginning of the seventies. It reappears
at first in the United States. The crisis then creates indeed a deep
questioning of traditional patterns and practices of management,
rational and scientific approach American who had previously
dominated no longer able to prove himself. Many researchers will
then consider the study of the Japanese model. Japanese companies
rely for their game at this difficult time and resistant to the troubled
economic situation. Very quickly, the cultural virtues of Japanese
companies are then discussed. The corporate culture quickly
becomes so totally irrational and excessive, the answer to all the
problems of management
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Posté Le : 19/05/2021
Posté par : einstein
Ecrit par : - Medjahdi Abla - Bendiabdellah Abdesselam
Source : مجلة اقتصاديات شمال افريقيا Volume 12, Numéro 15, Pages 27-41