
Creep Investigation Of Gfrp Rc Beams - Part B: A Theoretical Framework

This paper presents an analytical study about the viscoelastic time-dependent (creep) behavior of pultruded GFRP elements made of polyester and E-glass fibres. Experimental results reported in Part A are firstly used for material characterization by means of empirical and phenomenological formulations. The superposition principles by adopting the law of creep following the Eurocode 2 recommendations are also investigated. Analytical study was also conducted including creep under constant stress; successions of increasing stress superposition principle equivalent time and the return creep reloading. The results of this study revealed that Beams reinforced with GFRP are less marked with creep phenomenon. This investigation should guide the civil engineer/designer for a better understanding creep phenomenon in GFRP reinforced concrete members.

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