
Corruption, Poverty & National Insecurity: Reflections On Nigeria

In this paper, we discussed the concept of political corruption and poverty with the view to assessing their place in the study of national insecurity in Nigeria. A brief review of the literature and some methodological discussions are offered.The article then examines how corruption undermines economic growth and engenders poverty which inhibits the full and positive participation of individuals in the society’s economic life. This culminates in lack of trusts for government,discontentment by youths and the citizens, civil unrests, violent agitations, terrorism, suicide bombing, kidnapping, militancy and Boko Haram insurgency which threaten national peace, security and stability. The weakness of the rule of law in Nigeria which rules or weighs less than our personal actions was stressed as a major cause of the failure of the often quoted philosophy of Nigeria which is to live in unity and harmony as one indivisible, indissoluble, democratic and sovereign nation founded on the principle of freedom, equality and justice. The paper then concludes with a discussion on the challenges of national insecurity.

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