The corporate governance analysis field exceeded liberal economics to reach
less developed countries especially public companies where the performance
was overshadowed at the expense of other goals such as full employment,
regional balance development… Today, these companies must reach
performance goals, including financial performance that allows it to ensure its
sustainability. This leads us to the study of governance and leader ship
appointment methods, hence the term "management of management."
Our problem is based on the following main question: how can we associate
corporate governance and performance in the context of listed companies
(public and private sector in Algeria).
In this context, the contribution of "agency theory" to discipline the managers
is still considerable
In this context, the mode of appointment of officers for these companies is
fundamental and decisive factor in the overall performance (financial,
environmental and social) of the company. Thus the contribution of "agency
theory" to discipline the leaders is still considerable. In the case of the public
company, the state is the sole shareholder and officers are appointed by it. The
performance remains a primary goal. The privately held company, despite
modern management methods, presents mixed results, and even a deficit in
some cases.
In methodological terms, the approach method is interested in the first place to
present the theoretical models of corporate governance, including the agency
theory, and then adapt them to the economic and social situation of Algeria.
We proceed, subsequently, to the collection of financial and accounting
information and calculate some ratios: return on equity (RN/CP) and Return on
assets (RN/ CP+debt investments).
In conclusion, the results for the Algerian case has certain peculiarities and
leaders of designation mode is not decisive in the overall performance of the
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Posté Le : 30/09/2021
Posté par : einstein
Ecrit par : - Farid Sadaoui - Youcef Khenniche
Source : مجلة نور للدراسات الاقتصادية Volume 1, Numéro 1, Pages 181-204