In a globalized economy, the organizations are facing an ever complex and vulnerable environment, confronting unlimited challenges and pressures and are obliged to adapt and keep pace with change if these organizations want to survive and remain competitive. This Descriptive study examines the concept of competitive intelligence, its history, definitions, analysis tools, benefits and the competitive intelligence process. The review of the extensive literature results in that organizations are completely conscious of the competitive intelligence great importance and important role in sustaining the organizations' competitive advantage and then their competitiveness. Researchers recommend for more sensitizing programs focusing on the prominence of implementing CI programs within the organization and to master the CI process as a highly strategic tool to getting a competitive edge.
Posté Le : 24/03/2024
Posté par : einstein
Ecrit par : - Dahou Khadra - Hacini Ishaq - Bendiabdellah Abdeslam
Source : Revue Organisation et Travail Volume 1, Numéro 2, Pages 47-60 2012-03-24