Our team invites you to take part in the competition!
Write an article about the Konstruktor’s functionality and win $1000!
The functionality of the site www.konstruktor.com:
community projects, time management, team collaboration, chat, search for investor, implementation of creative ideas, the financial manager and other.
Basic requirements to the article:
The article should be relevant and contain useful information for readers. Particular attention should be given to the advantages of the site and its options for the application.
Good Luck!
Sign up konstruktor.com and attach your article on the following link
The end of the competition is on February 2
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Ceci n'est en aucun cas un formulaire à l'adresse du sujet évoqué,
mais juste un espace d'opinion et d'échange d'idées dans le respect.
Posté Le : 21/01/2016
Posté par : NatashaZhyhar