
Comparative Study On The Antioxidant Effect Of Aqueous And Ethanolic Extracts Of Mentha Pulegium L. Grown At Two Different Locations

Aqueous and ethanolic extracts of Mentha pulegium L. (Lamiaceae) from two different locations Tizi-Ouzou and Bejaia in Algeria were examined in vitro. Phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity were analyzed. Measurement of total phenolic and total flavonoids contents of the extracts of M. pulegium were achieved by using Folin-Ciocalteu and chloride aluminium methods, respectively. The total phenolic content of water extract from Tizi-Ouzou location was found significantly higher (55.78  2.78 mg GAE/g DW). The flavonoids content was also higher in the extracts from this location for both ethanolic and water extracts (2.17  0.12; 2.04  0.03 mg QE/g DW, respectively). Antioxidant activities were assessed by five in vitro antioxidant assays. Results showed that the two M. pulegium provenances were significantly different according to their antioxidant activity. Indeed, aqueous extract issued from Bejaia plant exhibited stronger antioxidant activity. For instance, Bejaia provenance shoots showed lower IC50 value of 20.35 μg/ mL for H2O2 test.

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