
Characterization Qualitative And Potentialities Of Utilization Of Methacomposts Of Poultry In The Nurseries Aboveground

The Agricultural employment of digestates from biomethanation can be used as an alternative to peat. The solid digestate poultry (called Poultry Methacompost: PMC) can be used as a partial substitute in the manufacture of culture substrates. The humified Organic Matter (OM) of mature substrates can be adopted only with the presence of necessary conditions for the development of the plant especially: respect of pH, percentage favorable of aeration, good sanitation, balanced contents of minerals. The present work aims to evaluate three different PMC from an industrial biomethaniser; one is obtained from the digester and the other two from the decanter (during two different periods). It appears from the physico-chemical characterization undertaken the following key results: In general, the PMC has a high bulk density, insufficient porosity of aeration, while the porosity of retention largely meets the standard. The phosphor and potassium are also eligible. The warranty of quality of PMC ensures greater acceptability and facilitates the incorporation with peat for soilless horticultural plants.

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