
Cardiosteroil Krill Oil Liquid Capsules

Cardiosteroil Krill Oil Liquid Capsules
30 Liquid Capsules


Krill oil is a rich oil made from a species of krill [Euphausia superba]. Three of the most important nutrients that make krill oil so special are: (1) omega-3 fatty acids with EPA & DHA, (2) omega-3 fatty acids attached (conjugated) to phospholipids, mainly phosphatidylcholine, (3) astaxanthin, a very potent antioxidant.

Alta Care Laboratoires presents the krill oil in liquid capsules to conserve to the maximum benefits of the omega 3, phospholipids and the antioxidant effect of krill oil. Cardiosteroil krill oil is more biovailable because of the liquid capsules. Cardiosteroil krill oil in liquid hard capsules are more stable than krill oil presented in soft gels because unlike the softgel capsules the hard capsule is not porous.

• Packed in a liquid capsule. When microencapsulated, the product is protected from being oxidized.
• High quality oil that is microencapsulated and therefore no need to add Vitamin E like competitors that present low quality oils
• Good stability since the liquid capsules are blistered and not presented in loose form i.e. pill boxes
• When in liquid form the anti oxidant action is more effective
• Studies show that Cardiosteroil Krill breaks the formation of plaque
• The high phospholipid content helps to increase the good cholesterol (HDL)
• Helps to regulate lipid metabolism
• Made in France and good value for money
• More biovailable because of the liquid capsules

► Omega 3 → Prevents atherosclerosis and coronary arterial disease
◘ Phospholipids → Anti-oxidant action
○ Astaxanthin → Anti-oxidant action

Indicated for subjects who tend to suffer from high cholesterol levels and hypertension. Prevents atherosclerosis and coronary artherial disease

1 to 2 Capsules per day or as directed by your pharmacist or doctor.

Cardiosteroil Krill can be taken together with statins since it does not interact.


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