Deg uḍris-a, newwi-d awal ɣef wayen ad aɣ-d-isfehmen ugar ɣef tikli i d-yuɣ
Belɛid At-Ɛli d wayen yura di lmendad n tegnit n umezruy. Ameslay-nneɣ yeqqen
ɣer tullya n lakulat di tallit-nni n Fṛansa di tmurt n Leqbayel. Di tazwara, anekcum
n warrac n wat tmurt ɣer lakul mačči d ayen iceɣben leḥkem n uṛumi. Di tesweɛt
nni, i yezwaren d laman ad d-yers di tmurt ; lameṛ i d-ikkan si Fṛansa yeqsed tullya
n lakulat ara ineǧren abrid i tuttya n tnaṣlit akken d-izwar yes-s Jules Ferry d
Lavigerie. Lakulat n ddula n yiṛumyen akk d lakulat n yimrabḍen iṛumiyen llin di
tmurt n Lezayyer. I wacu llin lakulat-a ? Anwa i iwehhan Belɛid At-Ɛli i wakken ad
d-yerr ddeh-is s ayen i ttidiren wat tmurt-is ? Ɣef yisteqsiyen-a ara d-nerr.
We approach a shutter which will allow to understand better the trajectory and
Bélaid At Ali’s work by placing them in their historic context. In our intervention, it
is exactly a question more of bringing to light the process of the implementation of
the school institution (this ideological state apparatus or AIE) in particular in High
Kabylia during the colonial period. If at first the schooling of the children "natives"
was not a concern of the colonial administration because it was necessary to
assure(insure) at first the safety in the region, he was decided from the metropolis to
create schools which would allow to implement the policy of assimilation
introduced by Jules Ferry on one side and by Lavigerie of other one. Secular schools
and schools managed by congregations. Secular schools and schools managed by
ecclesiastical congregations were created. What was the objective of these creations
of schools? Who made sensitive Bélaid At-Ali to be interested in his cultural
heritage?It is to these questioning that we shall try to bring some elements of
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Posté Le : 15/09/2023
Posté par : einstein
Ecrit par : - Nabti Amar - Nabti Karima
Source : Iles d Imesli Volume 8, Numéro 1, Pages 09-16 2016-12-31